Friday, June 27, 2008

The Road to Lumsden

After a couple of days in the Twillingate area, we pack up the wet tent and begin the long drive to the Bonavista Peninsula. Instead of driving south down to the Trans Canada Highway, we follow Route 330 and 320 along the "Straight Coast" hoping we might see an iceberg or two.

Of course, I'm unable to resist exploring any smaller routes we happen to pass on the way. When I see Route 332 heading northwest towards Frederickton, I follow it. Jude spots this interesting gravestone outside of Davidsville.

Newfoundland mobile
After 18 miles of frost-heaved asphalt and gravel, we return to Route 330 and follow it towards Musgrave Harbour. Here the road hugs the coastline but heavy fog just offshore means there's little chance of seeing any icebergs. However, we do see a fine assortment of beachfront dwellings, including this trailer.

Deadman's Bay
Pushing on, we take yet another detour on a small dirt road that leads out to the west side of Deadman's Bay. Though the sun breaks through the fog, there's still a strong onshore gale. We explore a few coastal bogs before stopping for a late lunch on a small beach.

Tired from driving, we decide to give up on reaching Bonavista today and find a local B&B for the night. In Lumsden, we find a rather new-ish cottage instead and, once again, spread our wet gear about the small bedroom to dry. The fog has retreated further offshore and we take a walk out a long sandy spit of land that once was the location of the village of North Lumsden.

Trailer and old sheep fences
Now it's mostly the location of small summer homes and old trailers with a diverse array of fences surrounding old pastures and gardens.

Selecting the rock
Before heading back to our cottage, Jude continues her quest to load the car with 100 pounds of rocks during the trip. Here she makes her selection.

Admiring the rock
Admiring the rock.

Packing the rock
Adding the rock to the pack.

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