5:30 AM - Mist rises over Seven Islands.

5:35 AM - John and Dan do a little birdwatching before breakfast.
5:40 AM - The fields around the campsite are littered with old farm equipment.

5:45 AM - The rim of an old wagon wheel.

5:50 AM - I have no idea what this was used for, but it looks deadly.
6:00 AM - Dick does a little baking before breakfast.
6:15 AM - A path through the woods.

6:30 AM - The Seven Islands sign.
7:00 AM - John pumps water for breakfast.

8:30 AM - Loading the canoes yet again.

9:28 AM - Priestly Bridge.

9:50 AM - Paddling through a small riffle.

10:15 AM - Sternmen portrait.

10:20 AM - A short break on a small island.

11:13 AM - Mark and John negotiate a small rapid.

1:06 PM - Lunch break.

1:14 PM - The first Furbish's Lousewort is spotted.
1:20 PM - An Eastern Comma butterfly.
3:00 PM - We finally reach Big Black Rapids. The rocks along the shore record the power of the water here during spring runoff. However, the river is running out of water for us and our challenge will be to find a way through the exposed boulders.

3:04 PM - Richard points out a good looking line.

3:05 PM - John - "You mean by that boulder?" Richard - "No, more to the left."

3:06 PM - "You mean this one?" "No, further out." "What about over there?" "Yeah, but see the big rock at the bottom of the chute?" "How about we go river right?"

3:07 PM - "So you think we oughta start right and then go left." "No - start left and then go right!" "But what about THAT rock?" "Which one?" "Hey! Look at that warbler!"

3:20 PM - Finally, Dan and John start their run.

3:21 PM - Looks good! Draw right!

3:22 PM - Watch that rock!

3:23 PM - Mark and John take their turn.

3:24 PM - Don't worry - the Blue Hole will just bounce off that big rock.
3:25 PM - Everyone takes a moment to regroup before paddling the rest of the rapid.
9:00 PM - After a tough whiffle ball game, Dan stares into the fire.
1 comment:
You write very well.
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