5:30 AM - I take a walk over the to US Border Patrol cabin on the other side of the Big Black River from our campsite.

5:35 AM - An old wood stove rusting in the scrub behind the cabin.
5:45 AM - Fiddlehead.

5:50 AM - The bridge over the Big Black River.

8:05 AM - Back at the campsite we load the canoes as it begins to rain lightly.

8:10 AM - John looks ready to pull a few lobster pots.

8:24 AM - Once in the canoes, a steady rainfall begins.

8:25 AM - Dan dons his raincoat.

10:15 AM - Following Dick and Chris through a small rapid.
11:45 AM - We take a break at Castonia Farm and find this old hand-dug well.

3:38 PM - We spend a wet afternoon checking out the campsites above Big Rapids, but they're either dark and muddy or have been replaced by cabins. We decide to push on through Big Rapids and stop at the old campground at the bottom. Here, Dick and Chris finish the first leg of the rapids. Soon after this photo, Richard and I have a near disaster on the second leg, getting hung up on a pointy rock in the middle of a chute. Thanks to Richard's concise instructions ("Don't lean upstream!" "Don't do anything stupid!") we manage to get off the rock and finish the rapids without incident. My only regret is not taking a photo of our predicament .

4:58 PM - Finally at the abandoned campground at the bottom of Big Rapids. After cleaning a few years worth of beer cans and other debris from the fire ring, Dick (pyro-man) gets a fire going in the rain with the help of Dan and John.

5:00 PM - Chris, Mark and Richard huddle under the small shelter during a downpour.
7:28 PM - Dick decides to use the last of the flour for another bannick bread. Richard helps out by cracking-wise.

8:00 PM - A few of us take a walk up the road for a last look at Big Rapids. From this height they don't look too big.
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